Friday, December 9, 2011


By the way this date is WRONG today is January 11, 2012.
With the holidays past and the calm settling back into our schedules I've be too relaxed with myself. Now that I'm back on schedule with school, my diet is back, and my writings are on key, I'm on the hunt for more inspiration for my crafts and myself.

One inspiration I've been attracted to recently is the shades of pink and green. Usually I'm not a pink girl, but recently I've even dyed pink into my hair.

Dieting hasn't been easy since the holidays and those oh so yummy edible gifts were sitting around my kitchen. Once they were gone (or hidden) I've started to leave out (within sight and reach) fresh fruits and veggies. Even my daughter grabs the cucumbers before chips!!

Exercise is also been to relaxed, now that the tree is down, I have my Living room space to do my exercise and yoga. :-)

The photos of the yarn samples are my inspiration for my new purse. Sometimes I don't pick the yarn. It picks me :)

Quote: "If you'll not settle for anything less than your best, you will be amazed at what you can accomplish in your lives."
~Vince Lombardi

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

A random feel good post!

So tonight has to be one of the best nights I have had in a while. My spirits are definitely soaring!

It started with ... Me winning this years NaNoWriMo. My first win ever and I have been trying to do it since high school. So tonight my story is 50,000+ words, 101 pages. And not nearly done! But I am so proud to have finally won!!

Then it moves on to the fact that I have just got 100% on my exam for college! Which gotta love 100%'s right?! Specially a test on out-dated obsolete disk

And I have lost 2lbs this month! Which is the big kicker for me!

So not that my random feel good post (basically a huge bragging post since I am so excited about everything going well tonight) is ending, I shall find the perfect quote!

Quote: "When you discover your mission, you will feel its demand. It will fill you with enthusiasm and a burning desire to get to work on it."
-W. Clement Stone 
Honestly, never give up! When you realize where you need to be, it all falls into place. You will Succeed!! :-)

Tuesday, November 29, 2011


Sometimes the hardest part of your life is finding the correct direction for your life. Everyone has a different path to follow and sometimes it's finding that path that takes the longest amount of time. Personally I have always had ideas of which life path I wanted to walk. But I never really had a plan to find my way there.

Even today, there are time I feel I need to step outside that path I have been on and see if it is heading in the direction I want to be in. Maybe I took a left turn a while back when it should have been right, but that doesn't mean that I am not on the right path. It just means maybe it will take me a little longer to get on that path.

I have a habit of getting on 'my' path and being able to see all the way through to the end, but then along the way I trip (or get pushed) and land off to the side. After getting up and dusting off, sometimes I just get right back to where I was and walk the path, while other times I can see that there is a completely different path (heading the same way) that I can take. Or even the rare path that once I am back up and moving goes in a completely different direction that I was planning. And sometimes that path is the best choice.

I have plenty of inspiration around. Sometimes it helps to re-watch (re-read, re-create, re-hear) the inspiration which started you off. It can kick start you right back to where you want to be. I love finding my inspirations, but sometimes that old faithful inspiration is the one you need the most.

Currently I have been channeling my inspirations into my NaNoWriMo writings and my holiday gifts for my family and friends. I haven't actually had the time to sit down and sort out what sort of inspirations I have pooling inside my head.

I do have plans to continue on my Zun Scarves, specially once the holiday "orders/wishes" are done. I do love the way the scarves make me feel when I finish one. And I love the smile people have when they wear one!

Exercising: It has been one of those things I fit in the middle of my life right now. I am fitting it in, just not as much as I have been wanting to. At times this past week I just crank up some danceable music and dance around while doing the household chores. One plus to this is that my daughter can dance right along with me, and she enjoys it, and another plus is the chores get completed. One way to get two things out of the way at once!

Quote: "Go confidently in the direction of your dreams! Live the life you've imagined."
-Henry David Thoreau

My favorite teacher in High School was a Thoreau fan. I fell in love with his writing after the first time I read them. This quote especially pushes me. I have it written around as an inspirational source.

Thursday, November 24, 2011


I'm going to do what I once did as a child. I'm going to take this post and write a list of my personal thanks.

Remember: always be thankful. :-)

I consider myself one of the luckiest people, I may not get everything I want but I am so thankful for what I have.

I have a wonderful family. I'm thankful for my parents who are always there for me. I'm thankful for my fiancé who is always there for me too. I'm thankfully for my younger sister, she's always making us smile. And I'm most thankful for my daughter, she's young, but she's happy, healthy, and always making my feel happy and lucky. I'm thankful for her wonderful smiles!

I am thankful for my inspirations that drive me to create items people love. Even though there are inspirations that others may not understand, I'm grateful that I find inspiration. I'm thankful to have come across Wu Chun's show, it was a jumpstart to my healthier life.

I'm thankful for the Gods and Goddess of all religions. Each one has brought something to someone's life. Hope, love, faith, joy, and more.

I'm thankful for the abilities I have and those abilities I've learned. I'm thankful for those who have taken the time to teach me.

I'm thankful for the luxuries I am lucky enough to own this life time around.

I'm thankful for the health my family and I have. I'm thankful for this life. I'm thankful for all the people I have come across in this life time.

I'm also thankful for everyone reading this. Thank you everyone!

Please remember to be thankful for those who are alive in your life and those who have already passed. No matter where they are now if they have touched your life, take a second to thank them.

Quote: "I am thankful for laughter, except when milk comes out of my nose."
- Woody Allen

I am also thankful for all the men and women who have passed away defending our county.

Thank You! And Happy Thanksgiving!

Saturday, November 5, 2011


To me, there is no reason to forget. It's good to remember everyone who has come (and gone) in your life. It's also good to remember why it is you do (and start) the things in your life.

Memories are what shapes us to what we are today. There is no memory worth forgetting. The good and the bad shape us.

Cherish all the memories you hold.

Many years ago (12 years) today my grandmother passed away. Even though years have passed I have never forgotten her. We honor her yearly in one way or another usually with the release of balloons. This year we are going to release balloons (blue to honor colon cancer, which she died of). And a few special ones :)

My grandmother was also a crafter. I can remember making things with her and my mother. My crocheted inspirations have roots into my family. My grandma, my mother, my aunts and great aunts.

After our balloons were released my family and I walked through a beautiful graveyard in our town. We honored the veterans at the memorials and reminisced about our own loved ones who are gone.

For me the walk in the cemetery had another meaning. When my grandma was alive, on the weekends I spent with her and grandpa, we would go to families graves and leave flowers. Since she passed away I have tried to find the family graves, but sadly she really was the only one who knew them all.

I hold dearly all my memories and promise to not forget those who are gone.

I thank my family for being with me today and enjoying the walk while we remembered and honored my grandma and the others.

The pictures show our balloons traveling to the sky, our rolled up notes we tied to the strings, and a few of the tombstones we saw today.

Take time to remember, even the littlest of things, everyday.

Quote: "You can shed tears that she is gone,
or you can smile because she has lived.
You can close your eyes and pray that she'll come back,
or you can open your eyes and see all she's left.
Your heart can be empty because you can't see her,
or you can be full of the love you shared.
You can turn your back on tomorrow and live yesterday,
or you can be happy for tomorrow because of yesterday.
You can remember her only that she is gone,
or you can cherish her memory and let it live on.
You can cry and close your mind,
be empty and turn your back.
Or you can do what she'd want:
smile, open your eyes, love and go on."
--David Harkins

Addition: RIP John Stencel
I just found out that a high school friend passed away. Even if he was just a friend then and we drifted away from each other, I have my memories to hang on to.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011


As the year changes seasons, my focus also changes. From the hustle of summer now to the calming weather of the cooling fall. I'm spending more time snuggling at night and drinking warm ciders, coffees, and teas.

The colors changing. The leaves floating in the wind. The season has inspired my Zun Scarves to take more natural and rustic colors. Along with their designs slowly changing from basic stripes to lace-like stripes. Providing a decorative warmth to wear this season and next.

I have been doing more of my exercising outdoors in the cooler air.. Yesterday was the long walk to take my daughter trick-or-treating. Today was a few hours of raking leaves (and jumping in the piles) and more raking!

I am working on a schedule to get more done in a day. I have been trying to fit in exercise and school work everyday during the times I am not with my daughter or doing my house work. Hopefully I will accomplish this soon.

I haven't finished one recently, but I have been working on a special one made of wool. I am unsure if I will be able to give it away once it's done. The yarn I'm using is going to be beautiful once done but I am attempting to create a pattern to show off the yarn.

Quote: "Nature gives to every time and season some beauties of its own; and from morning to night, as from the cradle to the grave, it is but a succession of changes so gentle and easy that we can scarcely mark their progress."
--Charles Dickens

Thursday, October 13, 2011


Trying to keep up on everything you start isn't always easy. Making time in a 24hour day for everything you need to do isn't always possible. Especially for a young stay at home mom. But I am working hard to continue my good habits. Recently exercise hasn't been easy since I got sick. But I have continued on with my better eating habits.

One habit I need to focus on "catching" is to eat more fruit in the morning and drink more water. I fell into an old habit of drinking Coffee too often and it's a hard habit to break. I love my morning coffee more than anything else, but I know it isn't as healthy as nice fresh fruit. I just need to get into the habit of fruit before coffee.

I have continued to better myself if other ways recently. I have desired to continue my education for a while, but being a single mother made it hard (if not impossible) to do. I did find a way around this though, now that we are stable I have enrolled in an online college (so I can go to school and care for my daughter) for classes on being a Forensic Computer Examiner.

I am excited to get ahead in my own life this way. To prove to myself that I can take these steps forward in my life and to excel and still be the best mother I can. I haven't been brave enough to try these things in the past for fear that something would happen. But after being inspired to change myself and challenge myself, I have decided that it is time for me to do this.

I may not have the ability to thank the person who inspired me, I may not have anything to "show" for my changes (yet) but I know where I am headed and what I have completed. I know that I am changing myself, for myself, and with that I will be able to create a better life for myself and my family.


The newest Zun Scarf was completed this week. This time it was a scarf that was inspired by the person I made it for, my younger sister. My sister had wanted a Zun Scarf (or many as she had asked) to wear around. When I looked at her I instantly knew her scarf had to have some soft of "checkered" pattern to it. She requested a rainbow (which I would have added for her anyway) to be on it.

So following my Zun Scarf pattern the way I created it there are 2 skeins of yarn used at the same time, one side of the scarf you can see the "braiding" of the yarn going up it. The body of this scarf is mainly squares of yarn and open squares alternating all the way up.

The bottom ends of both sides of the scarf are black ends, with a rainbow (mixed with black) up to the start of the checkered look. The rainbows are a "darker" side to the rainbow. They aren't as vibrant as the other Zun Scarves, but they are there just the same.

Every time I see someone wearing a Zun Scarf I made, I feel all the more inspired to continue making them and inspiring others. I love the scarves I make and I love even more seeing happy faces of those who are wearing them.

Quote: "I can accept failure, everyone fails at something. But I can't accept not trying."
~(My childhood idol) Michael Jordan

Sunday, October 9, 2011

-Wu Chun Happy Birthday!!- 10/10

This isn't a normal post for me, actually it's a very short and random post.

10/10/11 I will be at the doctors and busy with appointments, but I wanted to post on here a random (but special) birthday wish to my inspiration that got me up and going.

Wu Chun's birthday is October 10th, 1979. So even if he never reads this blog, I just wanted to post...

~*~Happy Birthday Wu Chun!~*~

It doesn't matter if he doesn't read this. It doesn't matter if he never knows the inspiration he has given to me. I just hope that he is happy and healthy, and that one day I too can pass on some sort of inspiration. Even if I never meet someone inspired by me, I hope that someone out there somewhere can feel inspired by me and better themselves.

I am doing better than I have in the past year. It's not that my family and friends didn't encourage me. They did more than I ever could have asked of them, but everything happens for a reason and the world works in mysterious ways. It took a little boost from someone living a completely different, and unrelated, life to inspire me to push myself. That inspiration I received from him has not only helped me to change my injury around, but it has started me to changing all the little things I wanted to, but never was brave enough.

I will continue to better myself and become stronger. It's the only way for me to live this life. Even if I have to step even further out of my comfort zone, I want to keep pushing until I have found where I truly feel I belong. I want to find my balance in life. I thank everyone who has helped me, pushed me forward, or (unknowingly or knowingly) encouraged and inspired me. Thank you!

Quote: "Your life is a gift from the Creator. Your gift back to the Creator is what you do with your life."
-Billy Mills

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Butterflys - Transition

When we decide to change we under go a transition. There is no better symbol of transitions than a butterfly. The butterfly undergoes massive transitions, considering it goes from egg, to caterpillar, to the chrysalis or cocoon, and to the butterfly.

While we never undergo such an extensive change, but we do transition in phases of ourselves and our lives. Going from each stage in our lives we slowly change ourselves from what we once were into our own beautiful butterfly. Our spirit and inner self are the parts of us to undergo the most transitions. The butterfly has been used as a symbol of the soul by many religions and many parts of the world.

Even the slow changes and slow transitions between the you now and the you that you'd like to become can be expressed by the symbol. Change doesn't happen over night. It is a gradual and beautiful thing.

While this was my major inspiration in the past week, I created a Butterful Zun Scarf.


The crocheted Butterfly Stitch down both sides the Zun Scarf

Approximately 8foot long by 3inches wide.

A small rainbow holds the two sides of the Butterfly Zun Scarf together.

Hand sewn rainbow of "Butterflies" up the bottom of both sides of the scarf. The bottom is crocheted in an open "grid" looking stitch.

My signature on all these scarves, the word ZUN on the back of one end.
I loved this Zun scarf. After my reading on butterflies I had to incorporate it into one my inspirations. This scarf ended up a gift also. These scarves are being made to inspire people, and before I even finish them it seems I know who needs that inspiration.

Quote(s): "Just like the butterfly, I too will awaken in my own time."
-Deborah Chaskin

"The fluttering of a butterfly's wings can effect climate changes on the other side of the planet."
-Paul Erlich

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

My Memories Give-A-Way DRAWING

Well it seems that my give-away only had one entry...So that makes for an easy win! HAHA!

Congratulations to Teresa over at Rhainnon's Tid Bits I can't wait to see the scrapbooks you make!

Remember everyone you can still use the code: STMMMS70725

You will receive $10 off of the program, and a $10 coupon for their online store!
(note: I will receive a commission for your order.)

Thanks everyone for reading my post, even if you didn't enter!

Teresa-I will send you an email with the information for your free program!

Monday, September 26, 2011


Balancing life is never easy. Toss in balancing everyday schedules. And there is always the balancing of ones Chakras.

For me, my exercise and my spiritual well being are connected completely. I not only want to be emotional healthy, but I want my spirit to also be healthy. Aligning ones Chakras has many benefits for the mind, body, and soul.

Chakras are the 7 points that energy travels along the spine branching into major nervous system. Keeping them aligned allows your energy to flow through your body without hinderances.


The newest Zun Scarf is done. As pictured below. The scarf is done with 2 skeins just as the striped Zun Scarves are. the biggest difference is this scarf already has been decorated. I hand crocheted 7 circles in the colors of the Chakra starting with the Red Root Chakra at the bottom of each side.

Quote: "The body never lies."
~Martha Graham

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


If you forget to make your goals fun, it's hard to complete those goals. While working out I love having my family and friends around. Not only do I have the help and encouragement I need, I also have someone to make it fun.

It's contagious when your loved ones laugh. So that simple laugh turns working out into (almost) a game. I still get the exercising done, I don't even realize how much, because I'm focused on the fun of it.

Now it's not always good to have unfocused exercise, there are benefits to a nice focused workout. But an unfocused and fun workout breaks the routine.


Latest Zun Scarf is done in length, the details are just now being prepared. It will be completed soon and ready to be revealed!


Don't forget to enter my give away! Who doesn't like awesome free software?!

Quote: "People rarely succeed unless they have fun in what they are doing."
- Dale Carnegie

My newest Zun Scarf base!

Monday, September 19, 2011

My Memories Give-A-Way

Hello everyone!

I am going to host my first ever give away! The give away will run 2 weeks! The drawing will be held on October, 4th 2011.

Recently I was contacted by My Memories to host a give away of their scrap booking software. So who was I to say no? Since the holiday seasons are just around the corner I am especially excited to try this out! I know I am not the only one interested in digital scrap-booking. I have been waiting to do the perfect scrap book of all my creations, only I haven't actually sat down to do it until now!

I started using the program as soon as I downloaded it. I was amazed at how easy it was to get started. Not only does it offer you blank pages to start with, but you can start with their ready to go pages. Making it easy to just quickly fill in with your own pictures.

Personally I loved making my own pages. The program walks you right through all the steps. You can pick your background paper, you can pick where you want the photo (and if you want to edit the photo), and from there forward it's all fun and customized.

There website includes a large amount of Digital Scrap Booking Kits you can purchase to add on to your program, and the wonderful creators at My Memories even have a whole selection Free Digital Scrap Booking Kits to download and add to your collection!

I love playing with all the embellishments. It's fun to see what kind of appearance I can create. The pages I have started, are created to show off my creations. Take a look!

Now the fun part, you can win your very own free version of My Memories Suite. A $40 dollar program for free! (Who could say no to that?!) I am going to give you several chances to enter you name too!

But if you don't win, or you can't wait to win, I do have a coupon code just for you!
Enter this code when you go to purchase My Memories Suite


You will receive $10 off of the program, and a $10 coupon for their online store!
(note: I will receive a commission for your order.)

To enter to win my give away you have several chances to put your name in.

1) Follow this blog and my other two blogs (one entry per blog followed) (Melz Creations and Through the Eyes of Dolls)
2) Go to and leave me a comment here on what item you loved the most on their website.
3) Follow my facebook page (Melz Creations)
4) Post in your blog about my give away with a link back to this page!

In your comment tell me which numbers you have completed and which blogs you follow (so I know how many times to enter your name) tell me what item you love on, and give me a link to your post about my give away!

Still interested in My Memories but unsure? Check out their blog, facebook, and twitter! (Don't forget to follow them)

Sunday, September 18, 2011


Ice, the amazing muscle helper. After working outside all weekend my muscles in my back are tired out. I took my old faithful rice-pack out of the freezer and help get rid of the pains.

Needless to say, it worked! I was up and moving again. Getting things done that had been neglected past few days. I kept in mind that a body in motion, stays in motion!


The newest scarf has sadly been neglected past few days too, but I have managed to get another foot done. Soon it will be ready for the finishing touches!!


Soon (this week) I will be hosting a give away for digital scrapbooking program (a $40 value) from the website so keep your eyes out for my official post!
I will have one winner and a code for a discount for everyone else (if you'd like to use it.)

Quote- "Cure sometimes, treat often, comfort always."

Remember to keep yourselves aligned. You'll always feel better if your chakras are in order.

Friday, September 16, 2011


Spreading smiles is one way to keep yourself (and others) encouraged and positive. All it takes is seeing one smile and you can't help but spreading more smiles.

This is something that carried through today. Even when it gets tough, or you lose sight of your own goals, a simple smile will boost you back on track.

It's been a busy few days but the smile of a child reminded me today that I need to keep on track but still enjoy each day to the fullest. You only get to live this life once.

Quote: "Always remember to be happy because you never know who's falling in love with your smile."

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Relaxation and Meditation

With every task you start it's essential to take the time to reevaluate and rethink what you are trying for. To do this it's nice to relax and meditate. I find it beneficial to meditate to some relaxing music and remember why it is I started to work out. Even though it's something you do everyday, it is great to remember why it is you do it everyday. For me working out is my way to overcome my injury and move forward with my life. It is also for me to become healthier for the rest of my life.

Taking the time to reevaluate my choices allows me to change little things time to time so that everything stays new and non-repetitive for me. Keeping things new and exciting keeps me from giving up.When something becomes too repetitive it makes it hard to keep wanting to do it. Even if we know what we are doing is good for us. I like to keep things close to the same but with little changes, such as doing Yoga one day and Exercise ball the next. Then on the third day doing another type of Yoga.

When relaxing after working out it is also good to cool down your body and keep yourself from getting cramps or aches. So not only does your brain get to relax and give you time to think about what you are doing, but also gives your body a chance to calm down too.


Again the day has been busy so we have spent most of our time running inside and outside. Leaving no time for my usual work out. But it's kept me active most the day allowing for a relaxing, long exercise.


Hint: The newest Zun Scarf is made with two skeins of yarn just like all the other Zun Scarves, but this one is made with two skeins of the same color.

I can't wait until I can get a completed one for pictures! Even though it's the same color on the background, it will be very interesting, I guarantee it!

Quote: “It is important to remember that meditation has a direct influence on our physical body and helps for example to lower blood pressure. Thus, meditation is one of the keys to a long and productive life.”

Take the time to really relax, even if it is a fleeting moment.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011


Not everyday is easy to set aside time to work on your goals, but all it takes is a little creativity to work it in. It is possible to keep on track with your goals and to still live your everyday lives.

For me today was spent planning, pricing, and organizing. So to work in my exercise I wore my walking shoes and did plenty of walking while preparing everything. I had fun while working out and getting things done. While setting up I played some fun music and danced around to keep myself moving even when things started to slow down. I also helped with the lifting to work out my arms. It just took a little creative planning and I completed my tasks and exercise all at once! Making today very productive.


The newest scarf is started and already about a foot long. Seven more feet and a little crafting creativity and I will be ready to reveal it! I'm excited about this one (can you tell?)


Although I looked sort of silly dancing around the garage carrying stuff, I had fun. It's alright to stand out, as long as you are happy.

Quote - “Creativity is inventing, experimenting, growing, taking risks, breaking rules, making mistakes, and having fun.”
-Mary Lou Cook quotes

Tuesday, September 13, 2011


To complete the goals you set for yourself, you must have the focus to reach for them. In the next few days I have a garage sale to run, which is a huge distraction, but I am remaining focused on my goal. Nothing is going to distract me from reaching for my goal.

Life throws curve balls. We have things that come and demand our attention. It takes control to focus on what is right before us and to focus on what we are striving for. It's not always easy, but it is worth it to never give up.


Today was great for exercise. My mother and best friend came over. We did a 45 minute Yoga routine. It was more in depth than the yoga I have been doing up until now.

Time goes by so much faster when your exercising with loved ones. It's always fun when your not alone. The yoga taught a relaxation method after the work out which I could see myself using often to unwind.


The latest Zun Scarf is done. Pictured below. I am ready to start my newest one. The colors are blue and green with the word 'ZUN' sewn in white. (And the most unique of the Zun Scarves.)

Quote - "If you focus on results, you will never change. If you focus on change, you will get results."
- Jack Dixon

Monday, September 12, 2011


To accomplish your goals in life one thing you must have is the desire to change. It is not enough to have that wishful thinking, trust me everyone has that feeling. But usually no one has the desire to actually work towards that change. It is never a good reason to change for someone else. To succeed one must desire to better ones self.

I never had the drive or desire to better myself. I usually thought I could just keep pushing through and going on with life the way it was. But I never realized it could be so much better if I just desired the change for myself.

Now I have that desire. I want to live healthier. I want to defeat my injury. I want to succeed in fitness. It seems that recently I have finally gotten that boost that I have been lacking for too many years. I can now actually see myself passing by the old me and moving forward in life.


I have been doing as much exercise as I can handle daily. Some days it is impossible for much seeing as I am a full time mother of a 4 year old. But other days are easy to fit in exercise. I generally try to budget my time. I get up before my daughter and work out then. I also work out in the evening before bed when she is already all tucked in.

I am focused on yoga for now, seeing as it is allowing me to work out the issues with my hip rather slowly. I can still see my progress from when I began. I really do hope to step up my exercising in upcoming months, maybe by joining a gym. But for now the best place for me to be, is working out right here.


Ahh my third Zun Scarf needs it's name sewn in and it will be ready to go. I have my next design drawn out and ready to be created. So look forward to it as much as I am!

Quote - “Desire is the key to motivation, but it's determination and commitment to an unrelenting pursuit of your goal - a commitment to excellence - that will enable you to attain the success you seek.”
-Mario Andretti

Sometimes it's easier to realize what you desire, when you step back and take a break.

Sunday, September 11, 2011


To have a group standing behind you is the most powerful resource available to a person. It's a long journey in any undertaking you attempt, but to know someone is always there to catch you is encouraging.

For me, having my family there to support me, and to offer that helping hand when I need it is more than I could ever ask for. I have tried before to change, but I tried this undertaking by myself. I failed. I had given up. This time I started anew, and I started with my family.

The experiences I have had in the past have shown me that it's never easy, but it's manageable with help. There's no reason to fear asking for help. It's a strength to be able to admit and ask for that helping hand.


Taking a long, fast walk with my sister not only helped with my muscles, but with our relationship. It's not always easy being close to your family, fights do break out. But it's worth those moments you share with them that reminds you that they are always there with you.

The walk was great for many reasons, I learned I can walk twice as long as in the past. And while I can walk that long now, I can also withstand the pains in my hip.


I have almost finished my third scarf, and I have all the materials for my newest creation on hand. I am excited for my new one to be done.

“Family... a group experience of love and support.”

- Marianne Williamson

This photo is from the walk with my sister. It's the day before the full moon. The reflection is in the lake. It's a beautiful touching scene. The moon has always been a support for me.

Saturday, September 10, 2011


Everyday we make choices for ourselves and our lives. Some choices are simple, others require willpower. It may seem simple to pick between two things, but when it comes down to it it's not always easy to make that choice.

Last night was a simple choice. Later at night my family decided snacking on M&M's was a good idea. I found it simple enough to opt for no midnight snack.

This morning my choice was a little harder. After smelling the warm bread cooking, I really wanted to chow down on it. I chose to ignore the bread and instead ate celery. Making the healthier choice made it easier for me to make another healthy choice. It's a domino effect.


Working out daily has been encouraging. But not always easy. After an argument with a loved one it's especially hard. You want to give in and comfort yourself, instead of push yourself. But I am especially lucky to have a supportive family. My mother took time to workout with me, and make it fun. My support group, good friends and family, is a huge help.

After over an hour of working out to some of our favorite songs, we had a good laugh and I managed to work out my stress and anxiety without my normal comforts.


The third Zun Scarf is on the way. The blue and green colors look great together in my opinion. I am thinking of putting buttons decoratively on the ends of the scarf. Another way to decorate the simplistic design of the Zun Scarf.

Although simplistic I have thought of another way to create an amazing Zun Scarf, but I have to go get more yarn before I can create the first one.

Photo attached to this post:
(baby mouse by the front door)
This little mouse gave me a boost in inspiration and determination today. If someone so tiny can be brave enough to stand up in a giant world, what's holding us back?

Quote- “No one else can ever make your choices for you. Your choices are yours alone. They are as much a part of you as every breath you will take, every moment of your life.”
- Dr. Shad Helmstetter

Friday, September 9, 2011


Strength. To each person strength has a personal meeting, just like everyone has their own personal inspiration. Strength doesn't only come from how much you can do, but from how much you can control yourself.

Strength -
1. The quality or state of being strong, in particular.
2. Physical power and energy.

My strength comes from my own ambitions. In the past I felt weak due to my injury. I let my injury control my lifestyle for over a year. I listened to my doctors seriously and I understood that they have my health in mind, but it was a major depressant that I was forced to be laid up for a few months.

Now that I have found my inspiration I have my renewed faith in myself.


Zun Scarf

This Zun Scarf is done in blue and green. It will be completed and hopefully find it's owner too. Again I'm creating with the hope it will make someone else happy too.

The soreness in my muscles is still apparent, but not nearly as bad as it was. I am pushing forward with each new day. Yesterday I tried some new yoga moves. I found some that I can do and some that I cannot accomplish yet, especially with my hip. But it hasn't discouraged me in the least bit. Instead I am more determined. I will work hard until I can complete these movements without issue.

Quote-“Each time we face our fear, we gain strength, courage, and confidence in the doing.” BlogBooster-The most productive way for mobile blogging. BlogBooster is a multi-service blog editor for iPhone, Android, WebOs and your desktop

Thursday, September 8, 2011


My exercise ball, yoga mat, work out bands, and books.

Ah, the reminder sight of my exercise equipment to keep me on track. This morning was a little rough compared to others, my muscles were tired and sore. My legs felt like jello. And in honesty my hip was worst of all. But all it took was a little encouragement from my daughter and I got myself moving. Today was a day of doing yoga exercises. Proved to myself I really need to work on my balance.

I discovered that I have more willpower than I had a year ago. Last year when my hip would ache I would lay back with my TENS Unit and walk with my cane. Today I left my cane hanging where I could see it and I pressed forward. I never want to be confined to a cane and medication again.

Willpower- self-control- the trait of resolutely controlling your own behavior.

I am glad I pushed myself. I know I can do this, and proving it to myself gave me the most amazing feeling. I will continue to look to my inspiration and continue to strengthen my willpower. :-)


To help encourage myself to keep healthy I have begun to watch my food intake. I'm making healthy decisions and checking my proportion sizes. I've been drinking water daily, I've completely cut out soda and I plan to only drink coffee on certain days, since it is my biggest weakness.


My second Zun Scarf is done. This one will be off to find it's home soon. I feel the same great inspiration when I saw the scarf completed. The word ZUN is sewn with shimmer black yarn on this scarf.
I sincerely hope that this scarf will make someone else smile like I have while creating it.

"You have a very powerful mind that can make anything happen as long as you keep yourself centered." -- Dr. Wayne W. Dyer

Wednesday, September 7, 2011



While out with my mother, my sister, and my daughter, I found this necklace in a local resale shop. I passed by it for a few moments, but the word 'Thrive' repeated in my mind.
I went back and picked it up. Looking it over I knew it had to be mine. I felt good after buying the necklace, to me it's another inspiring item to help me keep on track.

To Thrive:
To Prosper; To Flourish

In life is there anyone who thrives anymore? People seem to live their days in moderate contentment never trying to change or better themselves or their lives.

I've decided that I am going to thrive. I am going to change myself and flourish in my own life. I'm not going to sit still and watch the world around me move anymore. I am going to move too.

I'm not going to let my injury or past hold me back anymore. I am moving forward. If it wasn't for the inspiration in my life at this time, I would have probably been sitting still.


Each Zun Scarf will have the word "Zun" sewn inside on the bottom
Slightly hard to see but I have sewn on the word ZUN in my hand dyed wool to the inside of my scarf.

Purple and Green for this one! The word Zun will be sewn in with a coordinating color.
The second Zun Scarf. Almost completed. This one will need to find where it belongs. I hope that who ever gets this scarf will find some sort of inspiration.


I have decided to not go easy on myself and not to let myself slack. I am taking my choices very seriously and plan to keep up with it.

I bought my yoga mat yesterday with a resistance band and exercise ball. It's the perfect step for me. This is my beginning.

Yesterdays exercise consisted of stretches and stair steps. So for today I plan to do ball exercises. Such as ball push ups and heel ups. Tomorrow I will cycle my exercise to Yoga. I will succeed and I will think positively. :-)

Quote: “When life knocks you down you have two choices- stay down or get up.” ~Tom Krause

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Where I Begin

'Imagination' Desire-Image-Strength

My inspirational journal, I've had it for years, but just recently I've found it's use to me. I now record my progress and inspirations.

Starting out today after months of doing my prescribed stretches I've discovered I went from being unable to sit with my legs straight to now being able to stretch my legs completely flat and bend down and touch my toes. For a lot of people being to stretch your leg straight and reach your toe may be nothing, but for me, it was a huge accomplishment.

My ability to bend my right leg at the hip feels amazing. I know I'm no where near where I want to be or should be, but for me its an encouraging start.

Starting today I'm beginning with my stretches and working on stair steps. Until I get my exercise ball and yoga mat I am using what I have to help me work out. It's a start. And a positive one at that!

I have my second Zun Scarf in production, I am hoping it finds it's perfect owner after it's completed. This one is in the colors of purple and green.

Quote: Everything begins with the First Step!

I'm taking my first step now!

Monday, September 5, 2011

My Creation to help Inspire me-- Zun Scarf

While watching Hanazakarino Kimitachie I crocheted a scarf using my own method of stitch and color carrying. The scarf was originally going to be sold, but after looking at my finished creation I realized that while working on it, I had put so much of my own energy and thoughts into it about my own life.

It was while working on this scarf that I got my inspiration. It was while working on this scarf that I had decided on my next course of action. I became attached the the scarf rather quickly.

I decided since it was Wu Chun's story that enlightened me that I would call the scarf pattern "Zun Scarf". I plan to create more of these scarves for others. I know a simple scarf won't change someone's world. But maybe it can give them a little inspiration.

My Zun Scarf...

Zun Scarf

It's approximately 2 inches wide by 8 foot long. It's a single crochet with my own way of carrying over colors. Colors for this one are Cafe and Coffee. I plan to add two green crocheted stars on the bottom of the scarf one on each side.

The pattern is written by Melissa of MelzCreations, and is completely hand crocheted by me also. Do not steal my pattern please.

My Zun Scarf to me means, "Inspiration to Thrive for your own Happiness." I plan to create each scarf in that manner, so that the person who receives it can find their inspiration and happiness. 

After today I will be taking my steps forward to becoming stronger and healthier. I am going to push my injury into the past and move forward. I plan to update about my progress and my inspirations that push me forward through this journey.

I will also be posting pictures of the other Zun Scarves I make. I hope even one person will find my scarves and enjoy them as much as I do. If I can inspire one person, then I know I have accomplished a terrific feat.

"The way to happiness: Keep your heart free from hate, your mind from worry. Live simply, expect little, give much. Scatter sunshine, forget self, think of others. Try this for a week and you will be surprised."  — Norman Vincent Peale 
{Yes I did read this quote first is Wu Chun's blog. But it fits well I believe.} 

Inspiration Comes in Many Froms

For everyone the word "Inspiration" means something else. Inspiration to each person is as personal as their fingerprints. Inspiration by definition means: The process of being mentally stimulated to do or feeling something, especially something creative.

For me, I personally have found an inspiration for myself. Over a year ago I was injured while working. It resulted in months of painful physical therapy on my hip. I did everything I could, but in the end I was told that without the money for the procedures, my hip would just start to heal it's self the way it is. I spent the past year walking with a cane, on medications for pain, relaxing by using a TENS unit with a heat pack on it, and working on stretching my muscles everyday.

A couple months back I put the cane away and started to walk without it. Being only 22 years old the cane was embarrassing to walk with, specially holding hands with my 3 year old daughter. It was painful to walk any more than 20 minutes at a time. I kept up with it though. I would stretch my muscles out and start walking around the block with my daughter. Over a few months span I have become able to walk the block with little to no pain. I was proud to be able to walk without a limp after more than a year.

The inspiration to start walking without the cane was honestly my daughter. For her she had gotten use to helping Momma getting her cane before we left the house, but I didn't want that to be the forever routine. She wanted to start walking the block around our new house, and I didn't want to continue to hold her back. So I put up with the pains and pushed past them. It paid off in the end. Although I still wasn't happy with where I was.

In the past few weeks I have been re-evaluated myself and my life. I am sick of being the person being held back by an injury. I am sick of seeing the pity looks from others. I am ready to move forward.

While I was watching a Taiwanese Drama (Hanazakarino Kimitachie) of the manga Hana Kimi, which I enjoy, I realized that watching it was kind of kicking me in the butt. The character that was injured gave up on his dream. But after some encouragement from a girl who crossed the ocean for him, he begins to regain the strength to continue on his dream.

Wu Chun (Upper left) as Zuo Yi Quan

The character, Zuo Yi Quan (based off of Sano Izumi in the manga,) played by Wu Chun. After watching the series I wanted to learn more about the actor. I came across the information of the band he was in, Fahrenheit, and his life. I found it very enlightening to read about him. I came across a blog in which he wrote about his foot injury and how he felt about it. I could understand the post, it even made me feel like crying. He had a few quotes in there which I couldn't help but take to heart.

"You know what... I'm gonna FIGHT and let's see who is STRONGER!!!!!!!" - Wu Chun

I decided I am done taking tentative baby steps. I am ready to give it my all. I am going to fight my own battle now and beat my own injury.

Now I know that I my inspiration may never know he inspired me, but I wanted to put it out here anyway. Maybe someone else will read this become inspired. Who knows?

Links out:
Wu Chun's Blog Post that Inspired me:
Hanazakarino Kimitachie Free Fan Subs: