Thursday, November 24, 2011


I'm going to do what I once did as a child. I'm going to take this post and write a list of my personal thanks.

Remember: always be thankful. :-)

I consider myself one of the luckiest people, I may not get everything I want but I am so thankful for what I have.

I have a wonderful family. I'm thankful for my parents who are always there for me. I'm thankful for my fiancé who is always there for me too. I'm thankfully for my younger sister, she's always making us smile. And I'm most thankful for my daughter, she's young, but she's happy, healthy, and always making my feel happy and lucky. I'm thankful for her wonderful smiles!

I am thankful for my inspirations that drive me to create items people love. Even though there are inspirations that others may not understand, I'm grateful that I find inspiration. I'm thankful to have come across Wu Chun's show, it was a jumpstart to my healthier life.

I'm thankful for the Gods and Goddess of all religions. Each one has brought something to someone's life. Hope, love, faith, joy, and more.

I'm thankful for the abilities I have and those abilities I've learned. I'm thankful for those who have taken the time to teach me.

I'm thankful for the luxuries I am lucky enough to own this life time around.

I'm thankful for the health my family and I have. I'm thankful for this life. I'm thankful for all the people I have come across in this life time.

I'm also thankful for everyone reading this. Thank you everyone!

Please remember to be thankful for those who are alive in your life and those who have already passed. No matter where they are now if they have touched your life, take a second to thank them.

Quote: "I am thankful for laughter, except when milk comes out of my nose."
- Woody Allen

I am also thankful for all the men and women who have passed away defending our county.

Thank You! And Happy Thanksgiving!