Saturday, September 10, 2011


Everyday we make choices for ourselves and our lives. Some choices are simple, others require willpower. It may seem simple to pick between two things, but when it comes down to it it's not always easy to make that choice.

Last night was a simple choice. Later at night my family decided snacking on M&M's was a good idea. I found it simple enough to opt for no midnight snack.

This morning my choice was a little harder. After smelling the warm bread cooking, I really wanted to chow down on it. I chose to ignore the bread and instead ate celery. Making the healthier choice made it easier for me to make another healthy choice. It's a domino effect.


Working out daily has been encouraging. But not always easy. After an argument with a loved one it's especially hard. You want to give in and comfort yourself, instead of push yourself. But I am especially lucky to have a supportive family. My mother took time to workout with me, and make it fun. My support group, good friends and family, is a huge help.

After over an hour of working out to some of our favorite songs, we had a good laugh and I managed to work out my stress and anxiety without my normal comforts.


The third Zun Scarf is on the way. The blue and green colors look great together in my opinion. I am thinking of putting buttons decoratively on the ends of the scarf. Another way to decorate the simplistic design of the Zun Scarf.

Although simplistic I have thought of another way to create an amazing Zun Scarf, but I have to go get more yarn before I can create the first one.

Photo attached to this post:
(baby mouse by the front door)
This little mouse gave me a boost in inspiration and determination today. If someone so tiny can be brave enough to stand up in a giant world, what's holding us back?

Quote- “No one else can ever make your choices for you. Your choices are yours alone. They are as much a part of you as every breath you will take, every moment of your life.”
- Dr. Shad Helmstetter